Charity Brooch is a Success!

I would like to thank everyone who bought a brooch and shared my sale! I like to give 50/50, but I couldn’t do that this year because well, 2020! The good news is that we raised $70 for Thompson Education Foundation together and Medtronic doubled our donation! All in all we were able to give $210!

This feels like a win-win, homeless youth in Loveland will get tools and supplies that they need and I can pay my studio rent for a few months! Thank you sincerely.

In the next few weeks, I will also upload works on paper that I’ve been making in my studio while I grapple with the pandemic and the politics. I’m ready to sell these originals and I will not make prints of any of them. Each are original hand-painted works, unique in their own way and special as all heck.

I have moved from sketching in a sketchbook to a daily practice of abstract expression. I have never sold my sketches, until now.

I’ll post again when they are loaded and ready to share.

Thank you!
