Intuitive Abstract Painting Workshop and AirBnb Experience!

Well certainly, all is not right in the world currently, however we must continue to do the good we set out to do. I am a person that has believed in community since I was a little kid. I have seen the good we can do for each other. If you are looking for a creative and/or meditative outlet, I think you should come check out what’s new in the studio.

I was encouraged to start a painting class in June, by a fellow artist. Who knew I was doing something people want to learn? I paint intuitively almost every day because I find such pleasure in the process. I consider it my warm-up activity, it’s what I do when I can’t think what I should do in the studio. It’s my humble beginnings and my true self. Intuitive Abstract painting at its finest is scribbling and mark making… but if you refine it, it’s about trusting your next move because you trust your intuition.

To my surprise, the students’ work has been off the hook! I’m so impressed and eager to see how this can evolve. Students have asked for two different things… the first is for me to teach a 2 hour introduction class (perfect for the Airbnb experience) and the second is to teach a more in depth class that lasts a few weeks in the fall (on location in Estes Park)! The first is up and running here: Airbnb Experiences , and the second is to be announced. If you are interested in a more in depth experience let me know & I’ll add you to my list!

Meanwhile, thank you thank you thank you! You have come out to support my small business in a million amazing ways & I hope you trust me enough to share me with others. I love making art and I can’t imagine any other life, so I owe you my deepest gratitude. Cheers to you, my community!